The three areas that inspectors typically check during home inspections.

Do you know what things a home inspector looks for when they visit a property? Home inspectors will investigate every nook and cranny from the foundation to the roof to find anything that might affect the property’s value. Here are the main things that they will check:

1. Roof. Inspectors look for leaks, damaged or missing shingles, and moss growth. Check your attic and make sure everything is watertight to avoid any major issues.

2. Foundation. You’ll notice if there’s a problem with this. The foundation of your home should be solid and be able to stand the test of time. The inspector will usually check for cracks in the foundation or water damage to the siding or supports. 

3. Utilities. The HVAC, filtration, plumbing, and electrical systems will all be thoroughly inspected to make sure they are all working properly and have no safety compromises. 

One very important thing you need to remember is to not give your inspector any ammunition. By this, I mean you should have these areas cleaned and inspected beforehand. Doing that can ward off big issues when the buyer’s inspector comes to the house. A buyer might think that problems cost much more to fix than they do, and you can avoid that with a $200 to $300 inspection.

“Get the proper permits and don’t give your inspector any ammunition.”

One great example of the importance of this is when there was a client who never thought they were going to sell their house, so they did repair work without the permits. When the buyer found out, they withdrew their offer, which cost the seller a great offer. The client ended up getting the house checked out and sold, but they missed that initial fantastic offer. 

Therefore, if you’re going to work on your home, make sure to get the proper permits. Also, think about having these three areas checked out before listing your home. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. You can call or email me anytime, and I would be happy to hear from you.