Here’s how to learn more about neighborhoods that pique your interest.

For those of you who are considering a move in 2020, don’t let COVID-19 discourage you from exploring the areas of town that interest you most—it can be done safely. If you want to know whether a particular neighborhood is well-suited for you and your family’s needs, there are eight things you can do right now: 

1. Check out the neighborhood publications. Browse Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for groups or accounts that document what’s happening in the area in which you’re interested. Usually, with the neighborhood Facebook groups, you’ll first have to ask for permission to join, but it’s almost always granted. 

2. Take a walk with Google. Why not walk the neighborhood’s streets virtually with Google Street view? It’s a great piece of technology. 

3. Browse websites specializing in neighborhood data. 

4. Search other real estate listings. On, you can learn more about the typical architectural style and age of homes in a specific neighborhood. 

5. Call a real estate agent who works in that neighborhood. Almost all Realtors today are tech-savvy and can leverage their resources to better answer your questions. 

6. Investigate schools and educational data. 

7. Check crime rates. Websites such as can provide important crime data from law enforcement agencies. 

8. Plan your daily commute. Do a test drive from the community you’re interested in to your place of work so that you know how long it takes.

If you have any questions about finding the ideal home or real estate in general, please call or email us. We would love to help you.