Today I’m happy to discuss our tech-powered brokerage of RE/MAX Results and my team that provides the consumer with a one-stop shop solution for real estate transactions. We’ll meet with you either virtually or in person; we pride ourselves on the fact that within our office we can recommend mortgage, title insurance, and a host of other preferred contractors we’ve been trusting for years. We would love to meet and share the other reasons the Callender Home Team has separated itself from the typical mega-team where you don’t even get to speak or work with the people being advertised. 

We believe that through all the services we can offer you as an agent, you’ll make more money in less time. If you’re a client, we’ll be there from day one until you close. This allows us an opportunity to have a private meeting with you one-on-one so we can explain more, and set you on a path to meet your goals.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us by phone at (612) 961-9448 or email us if you have any questions. We would love to help you.