Here are six common mistakes that I see sellers make in this market.

There are six common mistakes that I see sellers make all the time. These six aren’t the only mistakes you could make, but they are at the top of my list.

1. Picking the wrong agent. You want an agent who has experience listing homes, not one who just represents buyers. They’re totally different things.

2. Overpricing your home. This could be No. 1; it happens all of the time in this market, and it’s a big mistake. Make sure you price your home right.

3. Not making simple repairs. If you want to sell for top dollar, you need to make those simple, cosmetic repairs. This includes painting, replacing wallpaper, and even some flooring updates.

“I know it’s personal, but you need to look at selling your home as a business decision.”

4. Neglecting to declutter. I always say: Store, put, or throw away anything larger than a basketball. We do a couple of walk-throughs before taking pictures to make sure the home is decluttered and depersonalized.

5. Restricting access. It’s easy to say that you’ll just require people to make appointments, but it doesn’t always work that way. The National Association of Realtors says that over 75% of agents and buyers who get denied an appointment request never come back to that home.

6. Getting too emotional. I know it’s personal, but you need to look at selling your home as a business decision.

If you have questions about these top six mistakes or anything else related to real estate, feel free to give me a call. I’d love to talk with you.