Here are a few things you should consider when interviewing Realtors.

I want to talk today about why you should interview more than one agent when you sell your home. When you interview a Realtor, you’re going to find out a lot about them. How big is their brokerage, what is their brand like, and what kind of exposure would your home get?

One of the biggest questions I get is what my commission would be. I ask in return, “What’s more important: my commission or your net profit?” Almost everyone cares more about their net profit.

Sometimes people ask if I’ll lower my commission because they’ve talked to other agents who will. The issue here is with integrity. If I lower my commission for one client, I should lower my commission for every client. Otherwise, it’s just not fair. Not to mention, if I lowered my commission for my clients, how good of a negotiator would I be when I go to sell your house?

“I can show you the value I bring to my clients.”

Trust is another big issue. I work with RE/MAX, one of the largest brokerages in the world. Everybody knows and trusts their brand name, which gives my clients more trust in me.

You should also ask how an agent can help you in the interviews. A lot of sellers want help preparing their house and making the transaction proceed smoothly. Those are all very legitimate concerns, and I do many things to make sure those concerns are addressed when you work with me.

I also hire a professional photographer, I bring on a staging consultant, and we have a checklist of over 160 things that we do for each seller, so I can show you the value I bring to my clients. 

If you have any questions about selling your home or interviewing agents, I would love to help. Just call or email me. I look forward to hearing from you.