Here are five tips that will help your home sale go much smoother.

Welcome to part two of my short series on seller tips. If you missed it, you can check out part one here. Today I’ll be sharing five more tips on how to sell your home quickly and for the most money possible: 

1. Find a place to temporarily move your pets. I know you love your pets, but you can’t guarantee your buyer will feel the same way. We usually alert the buyers if there’s a pet in the home and if it doesn’t work for them, we would have to take it from there. For example, it’s always best to remove dogs. We don’t know how your dog is going to react to somebody in the home without the owner there.

2. The first two weeks are critical. When you list your house for sale, you’ll see the most activity within the first two weeks. If we’re not getting showings or offers in those first two weeks, we need to discuss an adjustment on the price.

“By spring, the market will be flooded with sellers.”

3. Right after the holidays is a great time to list. During this time of year, most sellers are taking their homes off the market. This means there’s less competition for you. Whatever you do, don’t wait until March or April; by then, the market will be flooded with sellers.

4. Don’t talk too much about your sale. The truth is that everyone likes to talk about their home sale, either to their neighbors, friends, or family. You can mention that it’s for sale and what your asking price is, but leave it there. The last thing you want is your buyer asking your neighbor about your home and having them spill sensitive information.

5. Try to be out of the house for showings. Actually, I’ve had buyers back out of showings after they found out that the seller will be at the premises. I understand there are times when you can’t be out of the home, but try your best to be away while buyers are looking around. It will make them feel more comfortable.

If you have questions about these tips or would like to learn more about selling your home, call or email me. I am always willing to help!