Your readiness to buy a home is based on budget, credit, and down payment.

Happy New Year! As we move past the elections and the holidays, I keep getting asked the same question over and over: When is a good time to buy a home?

Here’s my quick answer: whenever you’re ready.

Over the last three or four years, I’ve talked about this topic. We hear experts discuss interest rates dropping and where prices might be headed. All this information is valuable, but it makes people even more confused about when they should move.

Just like you can’t perfectly time the stock market, you can’t do it with the housing market either. It really comes down to when you’re ready to buy your home.

“The best time to buy is when you’re actually ready.”

If you’re renting right now, think about this: you’re paying someone else’s mortgage. I always remind people of that.

How do you know if you’re ready to buy? There are three things to consider:

- Budget: can you afford a home right now? Is it realistic for your finances?

- Credit score: A good credit rating can open up many more options for you, but it does not mean you should have a perfect credit score to buy a home.

- Down payment: You might think you need a full 20% down payment, but that’s not always true.

If you think this might be the right time for you to buy a home, or if you just want to have a conversation about your options, let’s connect. My job is to help you figure out the right time for you. I’m here to guide you so, feel free to call me at (612) 961-9448 or send an email to Let’s make this year the year you find your dream home.